Monday, December 3, 2007

Learning Alternatives

I absolutely believe that learning can (in fact, should) be fun! There are some great games for building communication skills. Two of my favorites are Taboo, and Catch Phrase. I have recommended Taboo to families wanting to improve their English fluency; it is also a great way to encourage kids to elaborate, explain, describe, and think about how to get an idea across to other people. Catch Phrase is something friends introduced to me recently, and I like the way it reveals different communication styles and makes you think about whether or not something might be familiar to your team members (this is particularly salient when different generations play together). Both games are timed and team-oriented. The Catch Phrase I used involves a relatively high-tech disk which is passed around, sets the task, buzzes when time is up, and helps keep score. My Taboo game uses a very low tech set of cards, a tiny “hour glass,” a score card, and a rather loud horn (the kids love that). Amazon sells both games as well as some other word-related games your family might enjoy.

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